HUH? In the modern world, subjective anaylsis is dead. The only surviving method of temporal analysis or philosophizing, i believe, is to return to the old and esoteric original form of analysis: DECONSTRUCTION. Note: as I address "consumerism" and the "conglomerate", they are not necesarily the subject of this statement. There are plenty of critiques of consumerism's effect on society which offer no solutions. What I am addressing is a wide scale problem I have directly observed afflicting my own generation, while proposing a solution from a psycho-analysis perspective for the individual to implement in their own inner world as they see fit. Before the SUPER CYBER INDIVIDUATION, there were two stable constants in our society: 1. The natural human need for local community was fulfilled; a curated and moderately sized pool of ideas of which to become grounded in and develop a healthy sense of self. In the words of Carl Jung; "The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it." 2. The seperation of humanity and conglomerate. We saw advertisements on television. We saw them in magazines. We saw them on billboards. But we did not see them in our peers. We were in a state of almost enlightened ignorance. Advertisements existed, noted with some consideration, in our daily life. We were generally unaware of the fallacies of consumerism, as it was a new, exciting lifestyle. Advertisements served their function, not attempting to be anything other than themselves, clearly seperate from us. However, as we as a society developed a new concious awareness of consumerism and began to criticize and reject it, it resolved to disguise itself in our midst: thus, the SUPER CYBER INDIVIDUATION occured. And with this metomorphosis of the conglomerate came a new desire: it no longer wanted our money and time, it wanted our sense of self. In tandem with the creation of the internet, the SUPER CYBER EGO grew quietly for a number of years in the collective unconcious. Now, in 2023, it is a LEECH on the psychological energy of the younger generations. It absorbs all activity meant for development of a healthy ego and understanding of society through local community and self reflection, and instead gifts it to the developement of THE SUPER CYBER EGO. The poor invividual recieives only a PERSONA; but not even a regular persona, one that is overgrown and integrated into the collective ideascape of AESTHETICS and static ideals. Your political ideology is no longer about politics, it is a label to guide others perceptions of you. Your clothes are no longer about their functionality or whether or not you like them, they are about the AESTHETIC they encapsulate. The prominent "art movement" of our generation has been taken as well- everything must now fit under an AESTHETIC ideal label. Even beyond OBVIOUS labels. (cottagecore, alt, grunge, whatever,) art's goal is now to provide a short term dopamine rush from being aesthetically pleasing instead of emotional or thought provoking. It has become so severe that I see many of my peers can no longer seperate themselves from these persona ideals. Furthermore, the CYBER EGO is so HUGE and VAST, it is nearly impossible to be aware of. It hides mainly in the subconcious, but through there, it infests nearly all complex concious thought, and no matter how aware of it you are, there are always times where it goes undetected. And the longer it goes on stealing your psychological energy, the harder it is to reject. Not only self development, but original thought has been stifled as well. In the globally connected, hazy ideascape created by the SUPER CYBER EGO, any attempt at subjective academic discourse will be met with OUTER WORLD REACTIONARY RESPONSE. Opposing ideas are met with outcry, ridicule, from millions of perspectives arising from various real world expiriences. These perspectives have no understanding of eachother as two people in real life would. They have no knowledge of eachother's lived expiriences They only meet briefly, once, in a bubble anonymously, in order to discuss an issue that is often multifacitited and complicated from a static, black and white perspective. The perspection of the opponent generated in the other's mind does not include name, face, demeanor, or any kind of background- only opposing opinion, and subsequent unintellegent REACTION to outside opinion. All we know how to do is REACT like animals. This greatly smothers generation of original thought; whether it be on world politics, psychology, or even self analysis. Young individuals are punished for natural thought exploration and thus, for the most part, stop trying. This is the world created by the SUPER CYBER INDIVIDUATION. THE FALLACIES OF COGNITIVE BEHAVORIAL PSYCHOLOGY WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? However, our uncanny ability to react is not all bad. While there is OUTER REACTION, there is also INNER REACTION. Disorganization is the main problem in my personal psyche. As an artist, I spend most of my mental energy attempting to organize thought and ideas. This has given me an insight into organizational methods- When in confusion and disarray, return to basic function. Like most of us have, at a point I had bouts of mental health issues. Seeing a therapist practicing cognivitve behavorial therapy only worsened things. Perhaps for those with more EXTERNAL issues, or issues stemming from a more concious, obvious root problem, CBT is helpful. It seemed as though for me, all of the "goals" she suggested were simply avoidances of analyzign my inner psycholgy. All of her "maybe your"s and "do you feel like"s inferences were things I had been aware of for a long time, just with no path towards analyzing on a deeper level. After 2 years of this I resigned, dissolusioned and thinking maybe there was something wrong with me. But then, I delved into Buddhism, Jung, and spiritual/phsycological practices centered around observation and analysis. Nothing has helped me more than the original and esoteric philosophy- ALCHEMY of the SELF. From the basics: The CLASSIC, JUNGIAN process of individuation, through alchemy, has seven steps: 1. Calcination 🜂 Materia Prima (🜀); what we start out with. Calcination refers to extracting carbon from a substance, typically limestone, and represents the burning off of material desire and unnecessary atatchment from your whole. I had already become familiar with this stage before discovering the alchemical process due to my practice of Buddhist principles. 2. Dissolution 🜄 Dissolution is where we dissolve the burnt carbon into water- representative of the deeper parts of ourself we are not aware of. This is also where we become free from the PERSONA- the mask you put on for society that exists between your ego and the outer world. It is a part of the self influenced by material attatchment and desire. Things have changed since the the days of Jung and Freud, though, so I'll come back to this one later with some adjustments. the conflated persona is a larger bull than it once was... 3. Seperation 🜁 Now, analysis must be done through DECONSTRUCTIVE INNER WORLD REACTION, not CONCIOUS PERSONA/EGO REACTION to the outside world. When you post a hot take and someone makes a call out post about it or whatever concious reaction they have, that is their PERSONA reaction, not their true reaction. There is no room in the consumer infested collective ideascape for the presentation of YOUR OBJECTIVE PERSONAL TRUTH without context (By 'OBJECTIVE', I mean unaffected by worry of how you will be percieved; if it will harm your AESTHETIC, resulting from the SUPER CYBER EGO's influence.) By simply sitting and observing our inner worlds through meditation, active imagination, creative practices, etc., we are able to observe our PERSONAL OBJECTIVE EMOTIONAL REACTIONS to certain archetypes and ideas, and eventually, OUTER WORLD REACTION can be healthily achieved, once you can healthily react to and understand yourself, you can healthily react in a nuanced way to concepts from the ideascape- thus seperating OURSELVES from the SUPER CYBER EGO's influence. We see this done in artwork of today- even in things like memes, which are the dominant art movement of our generation (One could argue that so are the creation of "aesthetics" but I refuse to acknowledge the movement as art, its only kiche and the main tool of the SUPER CYBER EGO,) as well as the prevelence of sampling in today's music. Creating a meme from a template, or creating a song from a sample, is an act of PERSONAL OBJECTIVE REACTION. It is the artist acting on the subconcious desire to analyze itself- essentially doing JUNGIAN ART THERAPY is the new form of art, because that is what all young people subconciously know they NEED to be doing for themselves.
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